Senin, 25 April 2016

Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nur M. Ansyari /15212467 /4EA06

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #softskill
Carilah conjunction sentence in your app latter
Nb : Italic / is conjunction sentence I mean

HRD Department
Bank Negara Indonesia
Cabang Jakarta Kota
Lada Street No 1st
Jakarta Kota

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you to inquire about the possibility of working in your company that was informed by Website I am interested in “Supervisor ” position.

My name is Ansyari. I am twenty one years old. I have background in Economic Management in Gunadarma University and now i have graduate from my college and waiting letter of graduate (Surat Tanda Kelulusan)

With my educational background, I’m confident that my qualification and skills could make significant contributions to your company. I will be able in all position. Besides that, I am a person who can work either independently or as part of team. I am also initiative, hardworking and eager to learn. I have been training at PT. Panca Aranun, Bandung.

My resume has been attached which outline my qualification in greater detail. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualification; please keep this application confidential. I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,


Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

Tugas 1 Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 / 4EA06

Nama Kelompok :
1.      Nur M. Ansyari          15212467
2.      Nanda Ariatama        15212230

Tugas :
Buatlah karangan yang terdapat didalamnya kalimat simple, compuond dan complex

(Complex Sentence) Toni had online chat with a girl from Geek named Anna last night. (Simple Sentence) Anna introduced her as a cheerful and optimistic girl with green eyes.  (Compound Sentence)From her photo she has sent, Toni know that she has blonde hair, brown skin and sharp nose.  (Simple Sentence) She looks very beautiful with nice smile.  (Complex Sentence) From her information, she’s interested in everything connected to science, literature and culture.  (Simple Sentence) She learns Enlish on her spare time. She studies in Senior High School now.  (Compound Sentence) She promised send her Photographs soon.